A bite of the future – A new biomarker in sleep medicine?

Despite advancements in sleep medicine, many sleep disorders remain underdiagnosed due to the limitations of traditional respiratory polygraphy. What if a new biomarker could provide deeper insights beyond AHI?

Could jaw movements be the missing link in sleep diagnostics?

Despite advancements in sleep medicine, many sleep disorders remain underdiagnosed due to the limitations of traditional respiratory polygraphy. What if a new biomarker could provide deeper insights beyond AHI? At the 8th Clinical Update Sleep™ conference, an exclusive session with Prof. Brendan Cooper, a leading expert in respiratory and sleep physiology, will explore this emerging approach.

Event details


What to expect

Could this be a turning point in sleep medicine? This session will be of particular interest to sleep physicians, respiratory specialists, and researchers eager to explore new diagnostic approaches.

🔗 Reserve your seat now https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/8th-clinical-update-sleeptm-international-conference-tickets-871779926227

📧 Want to reserve your seat? Contact Nicolas Stefenatto nicolas.stefenatto@nomicscare.com or Aqib Sharif : aqib.sharif@nomicscare.com


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